Monday, March 17, 2014

I'm Back!

Wow! So much has happened in the last few months. First I've had my baby and she is perfect and such a sweet addition to our family. That in its self was an adventure I wasn't prepared for. Long story short, I had to have an emergency hysterectomy due to a large loss of blood and other complications. Needless to say I am now an adamant blood doaner after needing 7 bags myself. This was a close call on my life and I am so very thankful for Doctors who are close to the Spirit and follow it's promptings. I spent three days in the ICU following all this fun and have since made a full recovery.

   It has taken three months to feel like I'm finally back up to speed and able to handle life. Baby is doing really well and now not requiring quite so much constant attention so that I can do other things.

I've been feeling as I've come back into things that things are kinda blah. YW's is just YW's, there's no spark or excitement in being there from us as leaders and from the girls. SO I decided to make a few changes to get things rolling and bring that spark back.

First is we have been really bad about our opening Hymn. The girls would only do the first verse. So I addressed that this Sunday and let them know how important our opening Hymn is in bringing the Spirit to our classes and read them a great quote from Pres. Kimball.

Second our spiritual thoughts were just a scripture being read for the most part. I do have to say I do have a few girls who would put a little thought into it but for the most part it was read where my scriptures open to. SO now the spiritual thought is given out the week before with some hints on how to prepare (find a quote or story to go with the scripture provided, bear you testimony on the principle of the scripture, etc.) The scriptures provided are from the Come Follow Me lessons for that month.

Third we are now doing a newsletter as well as our weekly emails. We'll put the newsletter out the last Sunday of the month. Our hope is that both the girls and the parents will benefit from seeing the calendar and hearing about upcoming events.

And lastly, we are planning to do a progressive dinner for the girls with a little silly/light teaching. I'll post how that goes, it's still in the planning stages.

So for now this will have to do. I will try to get our New Beginnings posted soon, it turned out so cute!

I'd love to know what the rest of you do when things seem to get too comfortable in your program.


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