Thursday, December 1, 2011

Idea board~ Owls

Before our last YW in Excellence we met with our class presidents to descide what theme they wanted to do for this night. So before our meeting I did a little prep and gathered some ideas for them. Because we all know you should never just ask "ok so what do you want to do", having options is ALWAYS a good idea. 

I came up with 6 different themes and I'll be sharing them in different posts. 

The first is either Remember 'WHOO' you are or Be Wise with your choices (you get the idea) and using owls. 

1. owl pillow boxes from Kerry's Craft Blog
2.Owl treat bags from Clean & Scentsible
3. Owl treat bags from Stamp'n Connection
4.Felt owls from Factory Direct Craft blog
5. Cider in jar glasses from Whipperberry
6. Cute owl banner from Ultimately Plush
 7. Owl treat bags from Domestifluff
8.Owl caramel apple favors from Living Locurto
9.owl cupcakes from A Little Sussy
10. Owl place setting from Kara's Party Ideas
11.Felt Owls from Kara's Party Ideas
12.Felt Pine cones from Family Circle
13.Owl cupcakes from Save the Date for Cupcakes

 14. glitter acorn from Days of Chalk & Chocolate
15. ceramic owls from Oriental Trading
16.Owl invites from Kara's Party Ideas
17. Owl invitations from BHG
18.Owl chocolate suckers from The Sweet Saucy
19. favor tubes from Whimsy Love

 20.hung pine cones from Room Service
21. cinnamin stick candles from Here
22. pine cone tree from Focal Point Styling
23. paper trees from Hostess with the Mostess
24. Ornament tree from Hostess with the Mostess
25. Pine cones and branches from BHG

This last one is from Hostess with the Mostess, love the pine cone chandiliers.

New Beehive Kit

I have a new beehive coming in in the next few weeks and I wanted to do something fun for her to feel welcome. I saw this great idea on Pinterest (surprised I'm sure) from Rebecca Goodro which she posted on the Idea Door.  She has made up a new beehive kit that I thought was so fun. 

In her kit she includes:  a PP book, a journal, highlighter, pen, pencil, Post-it's, gum, B of M charm bracelet, & a YW value card. She also included these tips for PP.

1.     Find some quiet time (Sunday is a great day)
2.    Don't get overwhelmed (work on one goal at a time)
3.    Talk to your parents for suggestions & support
4.    Share with your YW leaders your concerns and your successes
5.    Keep your Book "out" so it's just something your always working on
6.    Use the Post-Its to always have your current goal in front of you
7.    Don't just pick the "easiest" goal to get done quickly.  Choose things that interest you, and will help better YOU as a person


I took her idea and made it my own. I also added a "leaders business card" with my phone number and her adviser's phone number on it. We also had the ribbon book mark to add to it & I'm also going to stick in her favorite candy bar as well. (skipping the charm bracelet)

I found the cute container at Target in the dollar section

It's so fun to have new beehives and I'm looking forward to her joining our class. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

lesson 43 Association with Others

Last Sunday my advisor was out of town for the holiday which meant I got to teach my sweet Beehives. The lesson was Association with Others which you can find hereI love Sugardoodle and find that it is my go to place to see what others have done.

Of course I had to have a theme for my lesson and it came from the quote "No man is an island". Can you guess what is was ?. . . . . yep an "Island" theme. 

I attached the quotes and scriptures I had them read to plastic leis I found at Dollar Tree, I also had a very flowery table cloth and palm trees on my signage that was posted on the board. 
I gave the lesson according to the manual but added a few "situations" to demonstrate the danger of judging others. This is the link for the added situations from YW connection.

For their handout I really liked this idea from Carolyn (which I also found on Sugardoodle) about not boxing yourself in and sharing your talents. I found some cute little boxes at Party City in the clearance section added some chocolate gold coins and did up her quote in a tropical way and voila!
you can download these here for free. If you have problems downloading them please leave me a comment and I'll send it to you directly.


lesson 44 Avoiding crisis living

I get to teach this Sunday as it is fast Sunday and a  member of the presidency teaches on this Sunday each month. My lesson is Avoiding crisis living, you can see the whole lesson here .

I am a theme girl through and through. When I prepare my lessons it always helps me to find a theme to go with the lesson. I think the most memerable lessons from when I was in Young Womens  had a theme and so I like to teach that way. 

These are ideas I found that I'm going to use for my lesson. I haven't made mine yet but wanted to share anyway. I'll post my lesson Sunday night with any added quotes, stories, or object lessons that I may find. As well as my handouts and things. I'll also include a free printable of my quotes for anyone who would like to use them.

Any way. . . . .I'm going with an owl theme because one of the lines in the lesson is "using your time WISELY".
 When I'm teaching the entire YW's group or actually any time I'm teaching I make sure everyone gets to participate in the lesson. When I haven't done this and I ask a question or their thoughts you can hear crickets chirpping. This way everyone gets to contribute in some way.

With that being said, I plan on putting a little treat in this bag with a quote or scripture to read. 
source here

For their handout I'm going to make these owl bags and inside put a "to do" list, a plastic watch that you find in the party favor section at the dollar store, a package of cookies (tag attached that says "be a smart cookie and use your time wisely") and a quote from the lesson.
(I know it's fast Sunday and I'm giving food but we meet at 3pm and they're big girls that make good choices)
 source here

So come check back Sunday evening to see how the lesson went. If you've given this lesson and have some great ideas I'd love to hear about them. 

duct tape purses

This is a camp craft that I did for just our ward's girls on some down time. I found this idea on Tip Junkie and with all the cute Duct Tape that's out now knew this would be fun. Here is the tutorial I used from Tip Junkie.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

General Conf. notebooks

For General Conference this year I wanted to something fun for my Beehives and when I shared my ideas with the rest of our presidency they were all on board as well. We got together and made all the girls notebooks to take notes in for General Conf. I saw this fabulous idea on Pinterest from A Bushel and a Peck and knew it would be perfect.

I loved the pictures for tabs idea. I used my oval punch to punch out all the pictures. 

 I think they turned out super cute and the girls loved them, hopefully they used them.


Obedience lesson

I taught a lesson on obedience and had a hard time thinking of a handout to go with the lesson. I did my own subway art to make a book mark with all the scriptures from the lesson.
